Molly Rose Taylor is a cannabis nurse, educator, and podcast host of . We turned the tables and asked her a couple questions ahead of Legacy Cup V this Saturday, September 14.
SMA: Your intersection of being prominent in both the medical field and the cannabis community is incredibly interesting. How do you find it to navigate having a foothold in both?
Molly: It’s not easy! Minnesota’s medical community has been slow to view cannabis as medicine, which is surprising considering our own progressive view on healthcare as a whole. Amongst colleagues, I’ve often tried to shut conversations leaning towards stigmas versus facts down immediately. My typical response is, “cannabis is medicine. If a person smells like it, they are using the medicine that works for them.” I’m just now starting to come out of the “Canna Closet!” I’ve felt more empowered to do this due to our professional organizations, such as the American Cannabis Nurses Association(ACNA) and the American Nurses Association(ANA), ensuring that Cannabis Nursing is recognized as a specialty that nurses can become certified in. Also, the number of questions I get from peers, colleagues, and sometimes patients helps me feel comfortable talking about cannabis and normalizing its use as medicine. From the folks in the industry who already know about the benefits of cannabis, I try to get them to take a look at their own personal use. How they can use cannabis more intentionally. Sometimes that means looking at the differs ways of consumption, or use. Such as topicals, beverages, or edibles to mitigate the amount of smoking. From a nurse perspective, we are always trying to think about cannabis use and harm reduction. Smoking and inhalation is one of those specific targeted consumption methods.
SMA: What was your inspiration behind launching “Conversations with Kush”
Molly: The inspiration came from looking around the industry and seeing that there were definitely some brands, and products that were being elevated, and some that were not. I believe everyone that uses cannabis is accessing the medicine that works for them, and there should not be any judgment as to how that is done. Whether they are using cannabis to treat the nausea caused by chemotherapy, or they just simply want to feel good! It’s all medicine. It’s very empowering to know that you can use your medicine, in a way that works for you, and still be a highly successful and functioning member of society. It goes against traditional modern medicine where the current thoughts are that the doctor is in charge of how you gain access to medicine. As a cannabis nurse, I think I am helping to change the paradigm of healthcare by educating people not only about cannabis, but how to navigate the healthcare system to work in their favor.
SMA: Okay, this is a fun one…give us one of your favorite bands you like to listen to while enjoying a little cannabis?!
Molly: Wow! So many… I love a good classic like Sade. She has a presence about her that is unmatched. I also really love Rhapsody! I love music that sounds like poetry set to beats! So anything that makes me think about similes, and metaphors really does it for me. Mostly, what I appreciate about music, and cannabis together is that cannabis helps me to access the core memories brought on by music more vividly. It’s magical!
Legacy Cup founder, Josh Wilken-Simon, also sat down for a pre-event interview on “Conversations with Kush” earlier this week. Check out the episode here: